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Home » Glazes » Pencils, Chalks, & Watercolors

AMACO Watercolors for Ceramics - Set #109
AMACO Watercolors for Ceramics - Set #109
If a clear, transparent covering glaze is to be applied on the decorated bisque by brushing, dab the first coat with a sponge or brush. Let dry and then brush on the next two coats. When the underglaze colors are applied on greenware, they are hardened on in the bisque firing and the covering glaze applied either by brushing or sponging. Pieces are fired to the maturing temperature of the covering glaze. Pink, Maroon, Peach, Rose, and Yellow hold their color when fired to temperatures up to Cone 6 (2269F, 1243C). All other colors may be fired to an upper limit of Cone 10 (2381F, 1305C) with good retention. If left unglazed, AMACO Semi-Moist Pan Colors should not be used on surfaces which come in contact with food or drink. AMACO clear glazes LG-10, F-10, and HF-9 or any other dinnerware safe glaze are recommended to be used over AMACO Semi-Moist Pan Colors to make them dinnerware safe. AMACO Semi-Moist Pan Colors have only been tested and approved as dinnerware safe when applied and fired under AMACO LG-10 Clear Glaze.
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Price: $50.00

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